Mi, 23. Okt 2024

FM4 Indiekiste presents Gurriers come and see tour

Come and See, the highly anticipated debut album explores many themes, be they the end of the world, the disenfranchised youth of Dublin, emigrant friends, the rise of the far right, desensitisation to violence, a pope struggling with belief and love amongst other things. “Nausea” examine how existential mundanity in the 21st century is now essentially lived in the digital realm, and society has blindly sleepwalked into this actuality without realising the full extent of its corrosive damage. Underpaid and overworked content moderators are forced to watch unspeakable horrors, as social media platforms drip feed its users dopamine, further distracting an already overstimulated and distorted cartoonish world from the harsh glare of too much reality

  • Einlass 19:00
  • Beginn 20:00
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Lerchenfelder Gürtel, U-Bahn Bögen 29-31, 1080 Wien
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  • Gurriers Headliner


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