Mo, 28. Okt 2024

FM4 Indiekiste presents Iniko

Iniko is a singer, multi-instrumentalist, and songwriter from Brooklyn, New York. Known for their cosmic music and unique style, Iniko makes music for soul searchers, chain breakers and revolutionary thinkers. By fusing sinewy vocals, the musicality of a poly instrumentalist, and their adventurous imagination, their music tackles themes of anxiety, self doubt, war, freedom, love and sexuality with power and whimsy. Their song “The King’s Affirmation” went viral on TikTok and represented their growth as an artist. Not long after “Jericho” ignited a flame that Iniko continues to fan with a breathtaking live show and supporting singles like “Armor” and their latest “Invasion”. Their debut album “The Awakening” is slated for release at the end of August and promises to reset the bar for the music we listen to today.

  • Einlass 19:00
  • Beginn 20:00
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Flex Halle
Augartenbrücke 1, 1010 Wien
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  • Iniko


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