So, 23. Nov 2014

MACHINE HEAD, Support: Darkest Hour



Devil You Know nicht auf der Machine Head Tour mit dabei.

Hier das offizielle Statement der Band, wir bitten um Verständnis.

„It is with much regret that we are forced to announce the cancellation of our upcoming UK and European dates supporting Machine Head due to business issues far beyond our control. We want to personally extend our apologies to the Machine Head guys and their entire camp, and thank them for offering us such a great opportunity. To our fans, the last thing we want to do is let you down and we are devastated that we can’t perform for you all and be part of an amazing tour with one of our favorite bands. As musicians the 5 of us have a job we love to do and we are ready to get onstage and do it, but unfortunately the cancellation of this tour is completely unavoidable despite every attempt by us to make it happen. The business side of this industry is very ugly at times and this is one of those unforeseen instances where the band has to suffer. To put it mildly we are extremely agitated by this situation, right now our hands are tied but we are going to deal with it and forge on! We WILL tour Europe and the UK as soon as we possibly can and make it up to you all.“


Howard, Francesco, John, Ryan, Roy.


Sie sind wohl das härteste unter der Sonne und Rob Flynn wird nicht umsonst (wer kann es ihm verdenken) als DER Heavy Metal Frauenschwarm schlechthin bezeichnet. Dazwischen stehen messerscharfe Riffs und jede Menge Headbang Garantie.

Als Support fungieren an diesem Abend die fantastischen Darkest Hour.

MACHINE HEAD in Österreich – schnittiger als jede Motorsäge!


Tickets sichern!

  • Einlass 19:00
  • Beginn 20:00
  • Tickets
Raiffeisen Halle im Gasometer
Guglgasse 8, Gasometer B, 1110 Wien
Map anzeigen
  • Machine Head Headliner
  • Darkest Hour Support
  • Diablo Blvd Support


Vergangene Veranstaltung
  • Bank Austria

  • Oeticket

    sowie in allen Vorverkaufsstellen und europaweit über das Eventim-Vertriebsnetz.

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