Sa, 6. Apr 2024

Sa, 19. Okt 2024

Neuer Termin! Diese Show wurde verschoben

FM4 Indiekiste presents Mykki Blanco

Aufgrund von produktionstechnischen Gründen wird die Show auf den 19.10.2024 verschoben. Bereits erworbene Tickets behalten ihre Gültigkeit.

It’s been just over a decade since the moniker ‘Mykki Blanco’ was created — first as a video art project portraying a teenage female character posting vlogs and raps on social media, but it inevitably evolved into a vehicle of self-discovery in the artist’s journey of forming their personal self-identity. Mykki has pushed hip-hop to some of its most untethered bounds, melding noise and experimental elements with club and trap sounds, whilst also forging a uniquely subversive path within a genre historically entangled in a problematic ideological web of misogyny, homophobia, and transphobia. And while Blanco has been widely recognized as leading the charge as a pioneering trailblazer in the so-called ‘queer rap’ sub-genre, the music being creating in this new chapter of their career represents such significant musical evolution toward eradicating the confines of genre categories and mashing the previous perception of the ceiling of their potential reach.

  • Einlass 19:00
  • Beginn 20:00
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Das Werk
Spittelauer Lände 12, 1090 Wien
Map anzeigen
  • Mykki Blanco 19:00


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