Sa, 13. Feb 2016

Diese Show wurde abgesagt


Due to ongoing security concerns in Europe, Paul Anka has made the difficult decision, as some other Artists have also done, to postpone his upcoming concerts. As some of this tour’s concerts were already canceled by Promoters, it seemed the responsible decision to postpone the entire group of shows to another time. Mr. Anka is looking forward to seeing all his fans at the appropriate time in the near future.

Tickets können ab sofort bei den jeweiligen Vorverkaufsstellen retourniert werden!

  • Abgesagt
Wiener Stadthalle - Halle F
Roland Rainer Platz 1, 1150 Wien
Map anzeigen
  • Paul Anka Headliner


Veranstaltung abgesagt
  • Bank Austria

  • Oeticket

    sowie in allen Vorverkaufsstellen und europaweit über das Eventim-Vertriebsnetz.

  • Stadthalle Wien

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