Do, 5. Mai 2016

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FM4 Indiekiste presents SHAKEY GRAVES, Support: TAMU MASSIF

 Shakey Graves is the stage name of Austin, Texas-based „hobo folk“ singer, songwriter, and musician Alejandro Rose-Garcia. Raised in an artistically creative family, Rose-Garcia is perhaps better known as an actor, having appeared in several movies, including Spy Kids 3-D: Game Over (2003), Material Girls (2006), and Shorts (2009), and he had a recurring role as part of the television series Friday Night Lights. As a musician using the Shakey Graves moniker, he developed a fascinatingly original alt-folk one-man band approach, and his songs match the approach, original and unpredictable, a kind of ragged melancholic blend of country and blues, with a pop melodic sense and often hauntingly beautiful. He released a debut album, Roll the Bones, in 2011, and followed it with And the War Came in 2014.

  • Einlass 20:00
  • Beginn 21:00
  • Tickets
Neue Venue:
Chaya Fuera
Kandlgasse 19-21, 1070 Wien
Map anzeigen
  • Shakey Graves Headliner
  • Tamu Massif Support


Vergangene Veranstaltung
  • Bank Austria

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