Di, 23. Feb 2016
Mind over Matter presents TESSERACT
„Auf ihrer weitreichenden, schon etwas esoterischen und durchaus atmosphärischen Reise konstruieren sie für ihre Zuhörer einzigartige und eindringliche Welten, durchweicht von verwirbelten Klängen einzelner Soundschichten, ausgeprägten Melodien und unmissverständlichen Experimenten.“
Und jetzt, sehr geehrter Leser, erklären sie mal, was das bedeuten soll.
Egal – progessiver Metal allererster Güte – nicht mehr und nicht weniger.
Spitzen Band.
Das reicht.
Bei TesseracT’s Amos Williams klingt das so: ‚Yes! Touring Europe is always so much fun for us, as we love to experience all the different cultures and curiosities; and within Europe there are so many. We’ve been lucky enough to have been on some great EU tours recently, notably with PTH last year, and then with AAL early this year. These introduced us to some of the most vocal and passionate crowds we have ever experienced. So, it’s such a joy to return with our new album, Polaris, and to extend the Polaris North American run with The Contortionist throughout the EU. We really feel like things have stepped up a gear, some of these venues are fantastic. For example Koko in London, Academy 2 in Manchester, and The Garage in Glasgow are all venues we have recently supported bands in. Now after traversing the globe, to return home to headline those wonderful venues, and with an awesome band like The Contortionist as main support, will make the Polaris EU 2016 tour very special to us indeed.‘ The band will be joined by The Contortionist on all these shows, with guitarist Mike Lessard stating: ‚Getting the chance to return to Europe is something we have been looking forward to for some time. We’re thrilled to be able to make the trip back, and to do so with TesseracT makes the announcement that much more exciting!‘